Privacy policy

Regarding  the latest European Union regulation on data protection (GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation, which will be applicable throughout the EU from May 25, 2018), we are obliged to ask you for your consent to the processing of personal data by AVANT Fabryka Porcelitu Jerzy Bujanowicz from based in Niedrzwica Kościelna.

We would like to inform you that the company AVANT Fabryka Porcelitu Jerzy Bujanowicz, ul. Spacerowa 5, 24-220 Niedrzwica Kościelna processes information obtained through individual activities, such as: participation in trade fair events, direct marketing and registering entities interested in establishing cooperation via the website: The collected information may include data that, according to the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Union 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/ EC (hereinafter referred to as GDPR), are personal data.

We would like to inform you that:
1. The administrator of your personal data (hereinafter: Administrator) is: AVANT Fabryka Porcelitu Jerzy Bujanowicz, ul. Spacerowa 5, 24-220 Niedrzwica Kościelna – Katarzyna Bujanowicz.

You can contact the Administrator in writing, via traditional mail, to the address of the sales office located in AVANT Fabryka Porcelitu Jerzy Bujanowicz, ul. Spacerowa 5, 24-220 Niedrzwica Kościelna or via e-mail: administrator

2. Your personal data are processed pursuant to Art. 6 section 1 letter f GDPR, i.e. based on the necessity of processing for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by the Administrator or a third party.

3. The Administrator uses your data only to conduct advertising campaigns for its products and for the purposes of fulfilling orders – it does not share them with other third parties.

4. Your personal data will be processed by AVANT Fabryka Porcelitu Jerzy Bujanowicz based in Niedrzwica Kościelna for the period necessary to implement the company’s legitimate interests.

5. In connection with the processing of your personal data, you have the right to:

– request access to your personal data, rectification, deletion or limitation of processing.

– withdraw consent at any time

– submit a complaint to the Personal Data Protection Office

You can exercise these rights by:
– e-mail contact at: administrator
– written contact, via traditional mail, to the following address: AVANT Fabryka Porcelitu Jerzy Bujanowicz, ul. Spacerowa 5, 24-220 Niedrzwica Kościelna.

6. Your personal data was obtained by providing it during our marketing campaigns and e-mail inquiries, from publicly available sources, i.e., among others: from the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register (KRS), the Central Registration and Information on Economic Activity (CEIDG), the Central Statistical Office (GUS) and manually in connection with providing data during ongoing cooperation.

7. AVANT Fabryka Porcelitu Jerzy Bujanowicz based in Niedrzwica Kościelna may make automated decisions based on your personal data, including profiling referred to in Art. 22 section 1 and 4 GDPR.

8. The Administrator makes every effort to provide all means of physical, technical and organizational protection of personal data against accidental or intentional destruction, accidental loss, change, unauthorized disclosure, use or access, in accordance with all applicable regulations.

Kind regards,

AVANT Stoneware Factory Team